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We book a conservative number of hunts per year for White tail deer, Rio Grande Turkey, Predator Calling, Wild Hog, Aoudad and other Exotics.  Pricing includes lodging. Reservations are typically made more than a year in advance. 


Hunters will have the opportunity to experience four different ecosystems: Trans-Pecos influence of rolling hills to broken plains, Riparian areas along the river, springs and draws, Chihuahuan Desert characteristics like desert shrubs to the Edwards Plateau geology of hilly, canyon-cut limestone.


*    A 50% non-refundable deposit is required at time of booking.

**  Non-hunters are welcome based on availability for an additional fee.

***To make your hunt the hunt of a lifetime we also offer a fully guided experience with Texas style hospitality
       including cooking (3 homecooked meals, daily), cleaning and a full time hunting guide
       (field dress, skin, cape and care for game meat).  Prices vary depending on hunting package.  


Contact us by clicking "Book a Hunt" for more information. 




Spring Season Only


Rio Grande wild turkey is native to the central plains 

states and got its common name from the area in which it 

is found — the life giving water supply which borders the 

brushy scrub, arid country of the southern Great Plains, 

western Texas, and northeastern Mexico. This subspecies was 

first described by George B. Sennett in 1879 who said it was 

intermediate in appearance between the eastern and western 

subspecies, hence its scientific name


3 Day 4 Night Self Guided Rio Grande Turkey                     
1 Mature Gobblers - Shot Gun or Bow Only                        

Per Gun

Open Season
Early Spanish explorers probably were the first to introduce hogs in Texas over 300 years ago. As colonization increased, hog numbers subsequently increased. They provided an important source of cured meat and lard for settlers. During the fight for Texas independence as people fled for safety into the United States or Mexico, many hogs escaped or were released. It was not until the mid 1800s when hostilities between the United States and Mexico ended that settlers once again began bringing livestock back into Texas. The livestock included hogs that ranged freely. Many escaped, contributing to the feral population.
2 Day 2 Night Semi-Guided Wild Hog
Unlimited Hogs - No Automatic or Semi-Automatic                                   

Per Gun




General Season 


White-tail deer are the most abundant large game species in North America; the whitetail population is largest in Texas, where an estimated three to four million of the deer reside. Their characteristic tails are held erect when fleeing to display the white underside; the rest of their body is reddish-brown in summer and grayish-brown in winter. Fawns less than six months of age have bright white spots scattered on their coats. Adult bucks can attain lengths of over six feet and weight up to three hundred pounds; adult does tend to be smaller.


3 Day 4 Night Self Guided Whitetail Buck                
1 Mature Buck, 1 Mature Doe - Rifle or Bow

*Trophy Fee $1,500 for 150 inches or over

Per Gun


January - February 


Aoudad Sheep, also known as Barbary Sheep, were introduced into the desert mountains of west Texas and southern New Mexico from their native habitat in the Atlas Mountains of northern Africa during the 1940’s. Aoudads have flourished as a free-ranging, wild sheep ever since.  Aoudad sheep are one of the most challenging species of big game to hunt. They seem to thrive in the roughest country they can find and possess an extraordinary sixth sense at detecting danger.


Aoudad Sheep *Physically Demanding
3 Day 4 Night Semi-Guided Aoudad Ram                 
1 Mature Ram
Additional Ewe Available 


3 Day 4 Night Semi-Guided Corsican Ram                

1 Mature Ram

Additional Ewe Available

Contact for pricing



Open Season 


Since the collapse of the fur market in the early 80's, predator numbers are now at record populations.  The vastness of the ranch and it's secludedness from civilization and abundant natural wildlife makes it a popular place to hunt many predators that are available the year around. A true predator can commonly be known as one that kills and eats another living thing - in our case, it's our livestock.  Predators may hunt actively for prey, or sit and wait for prey to approach within striking distance, as in ambush predators.  We offer a good selection of larger game animals, like bobcats and mountain lions, which in recent years has grown to include coyotes.  We also offer small game animals like racoons, gray fox, ringtail cats, badgers, skunks, rattlesnakes and porcupine. 


2 gun maximum
3 Day 2 Night Semi-Guided

No Automatic or Semi Automatic Weapons   

Per Gun

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